Saturday, August 29, 2009

First days in Korea :)

Hey Everyone!! In case you didn't get the memo, I arrived safe and sound in my new home of Nonsan, Korea after a few mishaps in SFO that delayed my trip by two days. Essentially, I am never flying United Airlines ever again unless it is a direct flight and their flight attendants prove to be adequate in their knowledge of gate info. Okay- that's enough negativity for one post. *take a deep breath*

It's hard to pick the right spot in my adventure to be the "beginning" of my story, but I suppose arriving at the international airport at Incheon would be best. Initial reaction as I stepped off the plane? "Holy Mother -----! It's hot!!!" Within perhaps 20 seconds I was sweating bullets from the intense humidty walking through the gate to make my way to customs. But wait! I had to wait in line to be checked for a fever so the Korean government could be assured that I didn't have swine flu. Once cleared, I made my way through the empty international wing of the airport, and began to strip down to my tank top in hopes of cooling off. Nope. It only meant more surface area of skin to be affected by the humidity. Next came my trip through immigration which resulted in immediate service and no questions asked. Go figure, every time I came back into London, I got grilled by immigration officials while my friends went right through. But I guess already having the all important VISA stamp already in place made my arrival less suspicious.

My traveling didn't stop at the airport, however. Nope, I then had to board a bus to Iksan (a city near Nonsan) for four hours!!! Thankfully I got to sleep for most of the way, but not before making several humorous (at least to me) observations about my new home. First, they take the term "limosine bus" very seriously. I'm talking flatscreen TVs and multi-colored lights lining the aisle from above and amazing air conditioning! Next, traffic in Seoul is a b----. I don't know how Koreans can do it. This was even worse than LA traffic. On the plus side, I did get to see the beautiful lights of Seoul (as well as at least 5 Baskin Robbins) as we drove through to get onto the main expressway south. I also utilized my height advantage to look down into the cars beside me. Nearly every single one was a Kia or Hyundai (for obvious reasons) and they all had GPS monitors in the center console as well as a tv for the driver to enjoy while s/he was stuck in traffic. I also was fortunate enough to spot a driver skilled enough to text, watch tv and drive with his foot!

When I finally arrived in Iksan, my director and the other native teacher were there to greet me and take me to my apartment.

A shot of my apartment from the entryway. The sink and stove are to the right.

Another pic of my apartment from my back "porch" where my washing machine resides.

I did a little unpacking that night and then crashed for a few hours until I woke up around 4 AM local time. Mind you, I had just gone to bed at 11:30 pm - darn jetlag! The next day presented me with an oportunity to shadow my fellow teacher to each of his classes. Most of the kids are beyond adorable (save for the painfully shy ones in my middle school classes who hate to talk up and practice their English. The boys even sit on one side while the girls stay clumped together on the other) and were incredibly excited to meet me and practice some of the English they had already learned. In my next post I'll make sure to add pics of them. I also learned that my name in Korean means a type of fish which of course caused a few giggles to erupt in the classroom when I was introduced. After a "full" day of classes - aka six periods of 45 minutes mostly spent playing games- the director and the owner took us all out to celebrate my arrival. What happened next included a huge feast of amazing lean beef (which we cooked ourselves) served with at least seven different side dishes. I also was very quickly introduced to the drinking culture in Korea; which included a few rules like never look your elder in the eye when taking a shot, never leave another person's glass empty and always place your hand over your heart or at your elbow when pouring for someone else (you're never allowed to pour for yourself). The first drink of the night was a Korean version of an Irish Car Bomb where you drop a shot of Soju into a glass of beer. Then came multiple shots of Soju for no reason other than Mr. Kim wanted everyone to get drunk on a Thursday night! I eventually had to turn my shot glass over to opt out of the game, but that didn't stop the awful affects of drinking too much hit me when I got home that night.

The two Korean teachers; Kelly and Sarah, as well as the owner of my school sitting awkwardly behind me.

The secretary of our school along with our director Mr. Kim, Michael from Canada and Nicholas (his wife had her baby the next day!)

The massive amount of food that never seemed to stop coming.

Random action shot at dinner.

After another early morning (six o'clock this time!) I got ready for my first day flying solo. Before getting to actually take over my class, I had to go to the hospital just up the street from my school for several medical tests to establish my health insurance including; a chest x-ray, peeing into a paper cup, vision test and having my blood drawn. My experience in the hospital made me have great appreciation for the Korean health care system, everything was very quick and efficient and being in a rural part of the country meant hardly ever waiting! When I returned to the school I was super nervous, but the kids seemed to like me and my horrible pronounciation of their names! I did have a slight crisis when a boy broke down in tears when he hit himself in the face. I found out after the class that he tends to cry a lot. Poor thing. Later that night we all had dinner at the school. Apparently my director will pay for our night meals as long as whatever we order is under 3,000 won (which will buy you a lot of food!) On Friday's it's the foreign teacher's choice, so we had Chinese food. I know... it's seems pretty darn ironic to be eating Chinese food in Korea, but there you have it. Surprisingly, it was a lot like the American version of Chinese food and I enjoyed every last bite!

Today (Saturday) I took a little walk through downtown Nonsan to do some grocery shopping at Home Plus - aka Tesco (I pretty much freaked out when I realized it was a Tesco, which brought back so many fond memories of London) aka Walmart. I unfortunately didn't have any coins with me to rent a cart, so I could only buy what I could carry, which wasn't much. Next time I will come prepared and take a taxi home because the walk back seemed much longer in the humidty while carrying a super heavy bag. Thankfully, many of the items had English subtitles to make shopping much easier than I thought it would be. I also met a very nice gentleman from Australia who was teaching the next town over and had already been here two years! When I checked out, I also learned that much like in Europe, you have to pay a minimal fee for your bags. Hopefully I will collect enough to not have to buy anymore. Along the way on my adventure, I took several shots of the city to give you all a flavor of where I am living. :)

The entrance to the all girls high school directly behind my apartment building.

The street I walk down every day to get to my school.

The major intersection where the freeway enters the downtown section of our city.

City Hall surrounded by trees.

Korean Mula :)

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Six Days :)

Yeah... that's right. In the time if took The Lord to create the universe, I will be getting on a jet plane and sailing across the beautifully blue Pacific Ocean to my new home in Nonsan, Korea. As Mr. B Mabie pointed out, the trip will be longer than the distance from his thumb to his pinkie finger stretched out over the globe. For those of you that haven't had the pleasure, I suggest joining Mr. Mabie on a shopping trip through Office Depot, you never know what random tidbits of information you may learn along the way.

Speaking of spending time with the Mabie's, I got home last week from an amazing train ride up to Oregon to spend more time with my hetero life partner, as well as her amazing family. We even took a detour up to Portland to spend time with some college friends that I hadn't seen since February. So many thoughts and emotions went through my head during this goodbye tour of the I-5 corridor. First, let me dispel any notions ya'll might have that train trips are as romantic as they used to be. From annoying phone calls in the middle of the night, to blaring rap music, to incessant snoring, the 12 hour trip was nowhere near the idealized recounting of travellers past. And heaven forbid an Amtrak train arrive on time! Don't get me wrong, the scenery was absolutely breathtaking. And the convenience of not having to drive the entire way by my lonesome and pay to fill up the tank several times there and back, made it all worth it. Maybe I've just been spoiled by the efficient, clean, and well-run European transportation system?

But I digress... The most important part of my trip was getting to spend time with some of the people I value most in my life. We even got to take a tour around campus to check out some of the renovations and new additions to the UP property. Oddly enough, it sort of made me feel insignificant, like campus life just continues on without me, even though it still remains a huge part of who I am and who I want to be. But I guess the new construction should serve as inspiration rather than turn me into a Debbie Downer. The point is that life moves on and I have to move on right along with it. That isn't to say that I shouldn't hold on to all of the fantastic memories that I had on campus either in class with my friends or locked in the basement of the library trying to finish the 10 page paper due the next morning. But now it's time to start making new ones, and that realization made it so much easier to say goodbye to my friends in OR than I thought it would be. This wasn't a goodbye that's going to last forever, this is more of a "see you later" and a "I'm so excited to see how much we can all grow and progress over the next year." Rather than dread getting on that plane, I am eager to come back with a million exciting stories about my kids, my new home, and the incredible people I am going to meet.

As for the slightly more boring part of my trip to Korea, the task of packing is still coming along pretty well. I've cleared out most of my junk and have now filled one suitcase, with two more waiting to be stuffed to the brim. With all of this cleaning and packing, I've been holding my breath in anticipation of finding my camera that has mysteriously disappeared. Unfortunately it looks like the Kodak I bought before leaving for London will not be accompanying me to Korea. Instead I put on my only child charms and conned my dad into hooking me up with a camera from the Air force Base he tends to frequent for work (being a retired serviceman does have it's perks; such as cheaper electronics and no sales tax!). Other than that, it's pretty much been the same here in good ol' Sacto, except for the fact that I'm pretty sure I broke my pinkie toe as it's now swollen and bruised. I would put a picture up because, despite the pain, I find it rather hilarious, but since I am only operating with my camera phone for the moment, I can't quite get enough light for you guys to fully appreciate my pain. :(

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Clean House

I don't have much to post today other than I have officially started the first two phases of packing. Yeah, that's right, there are phases. At this point, I'm not entirely sure how many of them there are, but I'm thinking it's somewhere around five. The first phase mainly consisted of going through all of my clothes and finally getting rid of the ones that either don't fit, are too old, or I never wear on a consistent basis. A giant trash bag and donation box later and I have finally whittled down my wardrobe to a size that I think will fit into the two suitcases I am allowed to bring on board.

The next phase involved shopping for clothes to supplement my lack of professional outfits. I know this may seem counter-productive to the first phase, but trust me, I was in serious need of some pieces that made me look like I should be taken seriously. For some reason I don't think my "I *skull and crossbones* Pirates" shirt from Disneyland would do the trick. Not that I don't intend on wearing it if the occasion happens to arise.

In other news I finally got my passport back from San Francisco with my VISA stamp attached.

This whole time I never really appreciated the fact that I was being granted entrance into another country until I saw the full page stamp in my passport. All of a sudden this adventure has become very real and in just three short weeks I will be wheeling my carry-on (okay, more like carrying since I'll be taking my backpack... I just wanted to sound cool like the other travelers) down the international terminal to my gate and saying so long to the good old U. S. of A. and hello to my new home. The anxieties that I have been able to supress since June are coming back with a vengence and I hope that my trip to Portland next week will help calm my nerves and bring back the level of pure excitement I was feeling just a few hours ago.