Sunday, August 16, 2009

Six Days :)

Yeah... that's right. In the time if took The Lord to create the universe, I will be getting on a jet plane and sailing across the beautifully blue Pacific Ocean to my new home in Nonsan, Korea. As Mr. B Mabie pointed out, the trip will be longer than the distance from his thumb to his pinkie finger stretched out over the globe. For those of you that haven't had the pleasure, I suggest joining Mr. Mabie on a shopping trip through Office Depot, you never know what random tidbits of information you may learn along the way.

Speaking of spending time with the Mabie's, I got home last week from an amazing train ride up to Oregon to spend more time with my hetero life partner, as well as her amazing family. We even took a detour up to Portland to spend time with some college friends that I hadn't seen since February. So many thoughts and emotions went through my head during this goodbye tour of the I-5 corridor. First, let me dispel any notions ya'll might have that train trips are as romantic as they used to be. From annoying phone calls in the middle of the night, to blaring rap music, to incessant snoring, the 12 hour trip was nowhere near the idealized recounting of travellers past. And heaven forbid an Amtrak train arrive on time! Don't get me wrong, the scenery was absolutely breathtaking. And the convenience of not having to drive the entire way by my lonesome and pay to fill up the tank several times there and back, made it all worth it. Maybe I've just been spoiled by the efficient, clean, and well-run European transportation system?

But I digress... The most important part of my trip was getting to spend time with some of the people I value most in my life. We even got to take a tour around campus to check out some of the renovations and new additions to the UP property. Oddly enough, it sort of made me feel insignificant, like campus life just continues on without me, even though it still remains a huge part of who I am and who I want to be. But I guess the new construction should serve as inspiration rather than turn me into a Debbie Downer. The point is that life moves on and I have to move on right along with it. That isn't to say that I shouldn't hold on to all of the fantastic memories that I had on campus either in class with my friends or locked in the basement of the library trying to finish the 10 page paper due the next morning. But now it's time to start making new ones, and that realization made it so much easier to say goodbye to my friends in OR than I thought it would be. This wasn't a goodbye that's going to last forever, this is more of a "see you later" and a "I'm so excited to see how much we can all grow and progress over the next year." Rather than dread getting on that plane, I am eager to come back with a million exciting stories about my kids, my new home, and the incredible people I am going to meet.

As for the slightly more boring part of my trip to Korea, the task of packing is still coming along pretty well. I've cleared out most of my junk and have now filled one suitcase, with two more waiting to be stuffed to the brim. With all of this cleaning and packing, I've been holding my breath in anticipation of finding my camera that has mysteriously disappeared. Unfortunately it looks like the Kodak I bought before leaving for London will not be accompanying me to Korea. Instead I put on my only child charms and conned my dad into hooking me up with a camera from the Air force Base he tends to frequent for work (being a retired serviceman does have it's perks; such as cheaper electronics and no sales tax!). Other than that, it's pretty much been the same here in good ol' Sacto, except for the fact that I'm pretty sure I broke my pinkie toe as it's now swollen and bruised. I would put a picture up because, despite the pain, I find it rather hilarious, but since I am only operating with my camera phone for the moment, I can't quite get enough light for you guys to fully appreciate my pain. :(

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